
Friday, September 20, 2013

Ten Things

I love making lists.  Apparently there's a German word, entlistungsfreude, that so aptly puts into...word...why I like lists.  This word means the satisfaction achieved by crossing things off lists.  (btw, I don't speak a lick of German.  I read about this in this month's issue of Real Simple)

So when my husband told me about this trend that he's been noticing around the Web, I got kind of excited:  101 Things to Do in 1,000 Days.  We have been meaning to make our own elaborate lists, but haven't found the time to do we simplified.

I give you... Ten Things.  

Ten Things to Do By the End of 2014.  Because we're simple like that.  My husband took me out on a surprise lunch date, and after we ordered, he pulled out 2 slips of paper and pens and we got to work. 

Here's my list:
1. Potty train Jonathan
2. Start blogging as Gummy Bear Mama
3. Write a draft for a children's book
4. Go running/walking every week & lose baby weight
5. Learn to make pho
6. Complete a project with the sewing machine
7. Download iPad app and make my own fonts
8. Fill up photo albums with all of the photo prints we already have
9. Raise at least $500 for Carlin*
10. Finish reading through the Bible and read through it once more

Things can get pretty competitive between my husband and me (friendly competition, folks) so I may or may not have jumpstarted this blog just so I can cross it off on my list.  Well, for the sake of "winning" and entlistungsfreude, of course.  :)


*Carlin is the sweet 4 year old daughter of my friends Catherine & Michael.  She was diagnosed with cancer over the summer and has been bravely undergoing many medical treatments.  You can read more of her story here and buy a t-shirt here to help out their family.  Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Great job! I love your writing style! Keep blogging! I can't wait to read more!
